Buddha Logo at SearchingForBuddha.com
Curious about Buddhism? This site is a great place to start.
We are not special teachers, just ordinary people like you, in search of Buddha
...the Buddha Nature within us all. Feel free to help add to our knowledge and support.

"My Religion is Kindness"
Tenzin Gyatso,
The 14th Dalai Lama
Winner of the Wallenberg Award, Albert Schweitzer Award, and the Nobel Peace Prize

The "Wheel of Law", or "Wheel of teaching (Dharma)", notice the Eight spokes for the "Eight Fold Path" of proper living. As jewelry, paintings, or like Naropa University's logo, this is one of the most common shape symbols of Buddhism.

Statues of Buddha, with each culture interpreting what Siddhartha Buddha, or other Buddhas, might have looked like, are very common amongst Buddhist. Siddhartha Buddha did stress in his teachings the importance of not obsessively worshiping leaders; the result of their teachings are what truly matter. "Don't over praise the finger pointing to the moon, admire and study the enlightenment of the moon, not the finger guiding you in the direction of the moon." Yet, often it helps one's focus to have mentors to admire and strive to emulate.

HOTEI, The Happy Buddha.
Some sculptures celebrate later Buddhas... people who found the same "enlightenment" and offered more great tales and wise advice.

This is probably "Kuan Yin",
from "Pure Land" Buddhism,
she is a revered Bodhisattva
who listens to the cries of the needy.
Again, like many Buddha statues, on a lotus flower.

The Tibetan Knot of Infinity
"Shivatsa", represents infinite love and life, and the Tibetan "Dorje" are combined with bells for special ceremonies

   Zen Buddhist Paintings

The circle is often the symbol of zen

Tibetan Flag, w/ two snow tigers..."the protectors of buddhist temples"
Tibet may not have invented Buddhism, but it protected its history and stories for many centuries while Buddhism was persecuted and by other religions around the world.

Potala Palace
Famous Tibetan Monastery

This is a mandala...a buddhist sand sculpture. Sand is carefully poured for many days to form amazing sand designs. When finished, a ceremony is held, and the sand is swept away, often into a sacred stream, to symbolize the Tibetan monks commitment to understanding "impermanence"...all things pass away, it is our "attachment" that causes us to feel loss.

This logo from www.dharmanet.org
shows a more modern, simplistic, portrait a Buddha or meditation Buddhist. This neutrality is often more comfortable to those not wishing to disrespect or imply association to a particular Buddhist heritage or culture, while at the same time making their Buddhist-inclined principles clear.

We wish to start a collection of true stories telling how and why people have converted to Buddhism. Send us your stories. We will be seeking to get the collection published. Any profits will be shared with everyone who contributes.

    The Four Immeasurable Thoughts: (often a prayer said before meditation)
    May all beings have happiness & the cause of happiness
    May all be apart from sorrow & the cause of sorrow
    May all not be apart from the bliss that is sorrowless
    May all leave attachment & hatred towards those near & far by living in equanimity.

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